SFUFA Motion to Divest from Arms Production

Approved in a Faculty Referendum on June 7, 2024 

Motion to Divest from Corporations Engaged in Military Arms Production

1. Whereas SFU’s most recent Custodial Statement of Endowment Investments indicates that Simon Fraser University owns shares of BAE Systems, Booz Allen Hamilton, and CAE Inc.

2. Whereas BAE is the sixth largest war contractor globally, with 97% of its revenue coming from military equipment, Booz Allen Hamilton derives 64% of its revenue from war-related products, and CAE is Canada's fourth largest war contractor, with 44% of its revenue from war-related products.

3. Whereas these investments are not anomalies, given SFU’s record of past investments in other military arms producers, including Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and others.

4. Whereas the weapons and services of these corporations have collectively facilitated the killing, maiming, or displacement of millions of individuals, primarily in the Global South.

5. Whereas these investments are antithetical to the values of the University, and in contradiction with the stated commitments of the SFU administration.

6. And whereas SFU has a Responsible Investment Policy (B10.16) that does not screen for arms producers and military services companies in its environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) criteria.

Therefore, faculty members of Simon Fraser University urge our administration to divest from corporations engaged in military arms production and anchor this commitment in SFU’s Responsible Investment Policy (B10.16).