Call for Divestment from Arms Industry

Open to everyone from the SFU community, including alumni, students, staff, and faculty

New endorsements added weekly

Board of Governors

Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC  V5A 1S6

Dear SFU Board of Governors,

The undersigned SFU-affiliated organizations and individuals call on Simon Fraser University to divest from corporations engaged in military arms production.

According to the Custodial Statement of Endowment Investments of December 2023, Simon Fraser University owns shares of BAE Systems, Booz Allen Hamilton, and CAE Inc. BAE is the sixth largest war contractor globally, with 97% of its revenue coming from military equipment, Booz Allen Hamilton derives 64% of revenue from war-related products, and CAE is Canada's fourth largest war contractor with 44% of its revenue from war-related products. These SFU investments are not anomalies. Over the past decade, SFU has invested in Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and others. The weapons and services of these corporations have collectively facilitated the killing, maiming, or displacement of millions of individuals, primarily in the Global South.

The undersigned organizations and individuals hold that these investments are antithetical to the values of the University and in contradiction with the stated commitments of the SFU administration. SFU’s most recent statement of strategy and values declares that "we are a community of citizens and scholars, working with partnerships to develop and share knowledge and make a difference in the world.” The same report commits our university to “leverage our experience, approach, and connections to help address humanity’s most complex problems and questions.” SFU has similarly committed to advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Among these 17 goals are the reduction of poverty and gender inequality, environmental sustainability, and the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies. Evidence-based research affirms the common sense intuition that armed conflict undermines each of these goals. We can see no good reason why SFU would invest in an industry that enables and profits from such destruction, which disproportionately harms the most vulnerable members of our societies.

The immediate impetus for this letter is the unrelenting Israeli assault on the people of Gaza, which, by March 1, had already claimed over 30,000 lives and wrought catastrophic damage to civilian infrastructure, including the destruction of 392 educational facilities, among them Gaza’s 12 universities. Beyond Gaza, similar weapons systems have enabled the efficient killing of hundreds of thousands in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and beyond.

SFU has a Responsible Investment Policy (B10.16). However, it appears that arms producers and military services companies are not screened out by the environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) criteria outlined in that policy. Given that SFU is divesting from fossil fuels, we can see no reason that a similar policy cannot be applied to military arms and services companies. We expect the adoption of an explicit policy statement, built into SFU’s Responsible Investment Policy, similar to SFU’s divestment from fossil fuels production.

We look forward to your response and seeing swift progress on this important matter.


Organizations and groups
Faculty for Palestine at SFU

Association for Women in Math SFU Chapter

Communication Graduate Student Caucus

Embark Sustainability

English Student Union

Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies Graduate Caucus

Graduate Student Society (GSS)

Independent Jewish Voices SFU

Indigenous Studies Student Union   

International Studies Student Association    

Migrant Students United at SFU 

Music and Sound Student Union

Psychology Student Union

Sustainable Energy Engineering Graduate Student Association

SFU Slam Poetry Club


Simon Fraser Public Interest Research Group (SFPIRG)

Sociology & Anthropology Graduate Student Association

Students For Justice In Palestine (SJP)

Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU)

Ahmed Al-Rawi, Associate Professor, School of Communication
Hari Alluri, Sessional Instructor, Department of English
Juan Pablo Alperin, Associate Professor, Publishing
Benjamin Anderson, Lecturer, School of Communication
Zara Anwarzai, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy

Ronda Arab, Associate Professor, Department of English
Yildiz Atasoy, Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Nadine Attewell, Associate Professor, Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies & Global Asia
Behraad Bahreyni, Professor, School of Mechatronic Systems Engineering
Ali Bhagat, Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy
Sabine Bitter, Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Jonathan Boron, Instructor, School of Resource and Environmental Management
Sumercan Bozkurt, Lecturer, School for International Studies
Tracy Brennand, Professor, Department of Geography 
Adena Brons, Librarian, SFU Library
Enda Brophy, Associate Professor, School of Communication

Thomas C Brown, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics
Darren Byler, Assistant Professor, School for International Studies
Evan Caldbick, Limited Term Lecturer, Department of Psychology
John Calvert, Retired Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences
Layla Cameron, Lecturer, School of Communication
El Chenier, Professor, Department of History
Joseph Clark, Term Assistant Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts    
Rosemary Collard, Associate Professor, Department of Geography   
Elizabeth Cooper, Associate Professor, School for International Studies
Jérémie Cornut, Professor, Department of Political Science
Karrmen Crey, Associate Professor, School of Communication
Megan Crouch, Librarian, SFU Library   
Paul Crowe, Associate Professor, Department of Global Humanities
Dara Culhane, Professor Emeritus, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Catherine D'Andrea, Professor, Department of Archaeology
Veronica Dahl, Professor Emeritus, Computing Sciences/ Cognitive Sciences
Adrian De Leon, Farley Distinguished Visiting Scholar in History, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Nadish de Silva, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
Sheila Delany, Professor Emeritus, Department of English
Deborah Dergousoff, Sessional Instructor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Stephanie Dick, Assistant Professor, School of Communication
Peter Dickinson, Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Sandie Dielissen, Sessional Instructor, Department of Indigenous Studies & Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies
Milena Droumeva, Associate Professor, School of Communication
Zoë Druick, Professor, School of Communication
Ashley Edwards, Librarian, SFU Library
Eiman Elnoshokaty, Librarian, SFU Library
Baran Fakhri, Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Reema Faris, Limited Term Lecturer, Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies
Nancy Forde, Professor, Department of Physics
Lindsey Freeman, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Carman Fung, Lecturer, Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies
Kyla Gardiner, Assistant Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts   
Lisa Gelley, Limited Term Lecturer, School for the Contemporary Arts
Mariam Georgis, Assistant Professor, Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies
Carole Gerson, Professor Emeritus, Department of English
Rebecca Goyan, Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemistry
Evelyn Encalada Grez, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology & Labour Studies Program
Bascom Guffin, Sessional Instructor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Giuliano Gullotti, Sessional Instructor, Department of French / Département de français
Lief Hall, Sessional Instructor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Sasha Han, Librarian, SFU Library
Adair Harper, Librarian, SFU Library
John Harriss, Professor Emeritus, School for International Studies
John-Henry Harter, Lecturer, Department of History and Labour Studies Program   
Michael Hathaway, Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology   
Byron Rigel Hauck, Lecturer, School of Communication
Kate Hennessy, Associate Professor, School of Interactive Arts and Technology
Sarah Henzi, Assistant Professor, Department of French & Department of Indigenous Studies
Sabrina Higgins, Assistant Professor, Department of Global Humanities
Leah Hopton, Librarian 
Maureen Hoskyn, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education
Vahid Hosseini, Associate Professor, School of Sustainable Energy Engineering
Adel Iskandar, Associate Professor, School of Communication
Fatima Jalali, Sessional Instructor, Faculty of Education
Leanna Jantzi, Librarian, Fraser Library
Mohsen Javdani, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy
Leanne Johnson, Senior Lecturer, Publishing
Sharalyn Jordan, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education    
Ouldooz Baghban Karimi, Lecturer, School of Computing Science
Jeannie Kerr, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education      
Julia Lane, Writing Services Coordinator, SFU Library
Erika Latta, Assistant Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Claudette Lauzon, Associate Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Mark Lechner, University Lecturer, Faculty of Health Sciences
Mark Leier, Professor, Department of History

Joanne Leow, Associate Professor, Department of English
Carolyn Lesjak, Professor, Department of English
Sharon Luk, Associate Professor, Department of Geography
Brenda Lyshaug, Senior Lecturer, School for International Studies
Megan MacKenzie, Professor, School for International Studies   
Stefan Maier, Assistant Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Anushay Malik, Lecturer, School for International Studies
Laura Marks, Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Miwa Matreyek, Assistant Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Svitlana Matviyenko, Associate Professor, School of Communication
Kirsten Emiko McAllister, Professor, School of Communication
Sophie McCall, Professor, Department of English
Eugene McCann, Professor, Department of Geography   
Hannah McGregor, Associate Professor, Publishing
Janis McKenzie, Librarian, SFU Library   
Cait McKinney, Assistant Professor, School of Communication
Kathleen Millar, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Antone Minard, Sessional Instructor, Department of Global Humanities
Elliot Montpellier, Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Tamir Moustafa, Professor, School for International Studies
Keshav Mukunda, Librarian, SFU Library
Nawal Musleh-Motut, Lecturer, School of Communication
Vivian Neal, Lecturer, School of Sustainable Energy Engineering
Urooj Nizami, Librarian, Public Knowledge Project
Denise Oleksijczuk, Associate Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Melek Ortabasi, Associate Professor, Department of World Languages and Literatures
Gerardo Otero, Professor, School for International Studies
Mauve Pagé, Senior Lecturer, Publishing
Roxanne Panchasi, Associate Professor, Department of History
Irene Pang, Assistant Professor, School for International Studies
Philippe Pasquier, Professor, School of Interactive Arts and Technology
Lyana Patrick, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences
Christopher Pavsek, Associate Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Stacy Leigh Pigg, Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Evelyn Pinkerton, Professor Emeritus, School of Resource and Environmental Management
Gaëlle Planchenault, Associate Professor, Department of French / Département de français
Hazel Plante, Librarian, SFU Library
Livia Poljak, Lecturer, Department of French / Département de français
Cristen Polley, Librarian
Madelyn Prevost, Sessional Instructor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Lynne Quarmby, Professor, Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Judy Radul, Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts

Zlatan Ramusović, Coordinator, Faculty Affairs
Simone Rapisarda, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Dawn Rault, Lecturer, School of Criminology
Nicholas Reo, Associate Professor, Department of Indigenous Studies
Bernhard Riecke, Professor, School of Interactive Arts and Technology
Chloe Riley, Librarian, SFU Library
Sylvia Roberts, Librarian, Belzberg Library
Noé Rodríguez, Assistant Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Sonya Sabet-Rasekh, Visiting Faculty, Labour Studies Program
Amyn B. Sajoo, Scholar-in-Residence and Lecturer, School for International Studies
Travis Salway, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences
Betty Schellenberg, Professor Emeritus, Department of English
Michael T. Schmitt, Professor, Department of Psychology
Sabrina Schroeder, Associate Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts  
Paul Sedra, Associate Professor, Department of History
Ken Seigneurie, Professor, Department of World Languages and Literatures
Özlem Sensoy, Professor, Faculty of Education
Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda, Associate Professor, School of Interactive Arts and Technology       
Nazanin Shahrokni, Associate Professor, School for International Studies
Hanieh Shakeri, Sessional Instructor, School of Interactive Arts and Technology
Nadia Shihab, Assistant Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Rupak Shrestha, Assistant Professor, School for International Studies and Global Asia
Julia Smith, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences
Spyros Sofos, Assistant Professor, Department of Global Humanities
Dal Sohal, SFU Library
Tammara Soma, Assistant Professor, School of Resource and Environmental Management
Jason K. Stearns, Assistant Professor, School for International Studies
Scott Steedman, Senior Lecturer, Publishing
Malcolm Steinberg, Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences
Kendra Strauss, Professor, The Labour Studies Program and the Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Andréa Tarnawsky, Archivist, SFU Library
Gary Teeple, Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Daisy Thompson, Term Lecturer, School for the Contemporary Arts
Jenna Thomson, Librarian, SFU Library
Zoe Todd, Associate Professor, Department of Indigenous Studies
Alberto Toscano, Associate Professor, School of Communication
Travers, Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Elle Walks, Sessional Instructor, Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies 
Sarah Walshaw, University Lecturer, Department of History
Amanda Watson, Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Katherine Watson, Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Kyle Willmott, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Aaron Windel, Associate Professor, Department of History
Sandra Wong, Librarian, SFU Library
Nilay Yalcin, Assistant Professor, School of Interactive Arts and Technology  
Azadeh Yamini-Hamedani, Associate Professor, Department of World Languages and Literatures
Siyuan Yin, Assistant Professor, School of Communication
Jin-me Yoon, Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Baharak Yousefi, Librarian, SFU Library
Jennifer Zerkee, Librarian, SFU Library    

Postdoctoral fellow
Pippa Adams
Sarah Faber
Christopher Hynes
Yiwen Liu                                      

Joud A
Amal Abdullah
Betty Ackah
Claire Adams
Brendan Anderson
Sara Bucci
Kinzlee C
Mary Chen
Justin Cook
Noëll Cousins
Brady Cranfield
Adriana Cumming-Teicher
Rajdeep Dhadwal
Patrick Dinache
Eugene Doudko
Nada El Masry
Anna Fowler
Victoria Gauthier
Mariah Gillis
Sierra Gillis
Xyleen Haban
Erik Hanson
Tessa Haywood
Rayne I
Michelle Irvine

Mark Jordan
Ridhwana Kaoser
Shereen Khan
Ebony Magnus
Patricia Mangahis
Elise McClay
Ann McDonell
Awais Mushtaq
Fatima Nadeem
Rachel Nelson
Zoreen Nuraney
Tara Parsons
Janaki Patel
Caprice Pybus
Paola Quiros-Cruz
Mason Rezazadeh
Ashley Schultheiss
Olive Shakur
Suze Shore
Alexis Smecher
Ash Tanasiychuk
Olivia Tomlinson
Emma Uhl
Cathy Walker
Kathryn Wells
Leah Wiener
Chuck Wright
Ellen Yap
Amina Yasin
Morgan Young
Omar Zabaneh
Wafaa Zaqout

Graduate students
Azraf Ahmad
Sofia Ahmed
Sreya Ajay
Zuhal Akay
Alaa Al-Shaer
Carina Albrecht
Sikandra Ali
Nicole Anderson
Mohammad Amin Arab
Shaghayegh Bahrami
Koushik Bar
Maria Barbosa
Katie Belcher
Mary Berger
Olivia Bing
Emily R Blyth
Slade Barret Brown
Isaac Brownlee
Ty Bryant
Anthony Burton
Jil Busmann
Aurora E. Camaño
MacKenzie Carr
Christian Carson
Kristina Castaneto
Maira Castro
Samara Chaudhury
Elyse Collyer
Levi Cormier
Hannah Couse
Manuela Cruz
Ash Currie
cannie darvishi
Raj Deol   
Sarah Derasp
Patricia May Derbyshire   
Yanjie Ding
Alexander Donald
Michelle Douglas

Nadia Drissi
T Dueck
Kelsey Duncan
Natalie Dusek
Jonas Eschenfelder
Mirette Fawzy
Philippe Fernandez-Fournier
Sarah Finn

Armin Froozanfar
Basil Gannopoulos
Ian Garvie
Matthew Gasparin
Arlene Gidda
Sarah Glass
Nick Gottlieb
Alya Govorchin
Katie Gravestock

Alison Gu
Victor Guerin
Ramy Habib
Omri Haiven
Rebecca Harrington
Amanda Harrop
Daria Hetmanova
Kayla Hilstob
Stephanie Holbert
Hannah Holtzclaw
Nina Houle
Kexin Hu
Crystal Huang
Meghan Hunter
C Icart
Kayli Jamieson
Aso Javaheri
Weina Jin
Jaron Judkins
D. W. Kamish
Suwatthi Kandiah
Tyson Singh Kelsall
Liam Kennedy-Slaney
Kimia Khabiri
Celeste Kieran
Judy Yae Young Kim
Lisa Kremer
Kamaria Kuling
Christopher Lacroix
Moira Laidlaw
Mary Grace Lamons
Fahima Laskar
Sarah Law
Geri Lee
Morgaine Lee
Robyn Lee
Ekaterina Letunovskaya
Belinda Li
Diana Limbaga
Steff Hui Ci Ling
Helen Liu
Joni Low
Henri Lu
Hannah Rose MacCallum
Jess MacCormack
Kate MacDonald
Kaitlyn MacInnis
Molly MacKay
Remi Makinde
Regina Baeza Martinez
Noemi Rosario Martinez
Lauren McKenney
Emily McMann
Alonso Melgar
Rowan Melling
S. Berk Metin
Cameron Michels
Abede Mohammadi
Nara Monteiro
Gloria Moon
Geoffrey Nilson
Daphne Nounesi
Naomi Keenan O’Shea
Liz Oakley
Akiko Inui Ohta
Melissa Orobko
Yussuf Osman

Margaret Ovenell
Avideh S. Pajouh
Tatiana Pakhomova
Kevin Park
Tanaya Parmar 
Daniel Pelletier
Natalia Perez
Michelle Phan
Hannah Potgieter
Abby Potter
Rebecca Poulin
Whitney Qualls
George Rahi
Luis Ramírez Ramírez
Fereshteh Rashed
Shabnam Raufi
Negaar Razzaghi
KJ Reed
Danica Reid
Louise Riou
Haya S
Siddharth S. Sane
Tanjila Afrin Sejuty
Laila Shaheen
Shaila Shams
Grace Shaw
Maha Shehadeh

Sohila Sherbafi
Suki Shergill
Yuka Shichiza
Elena Sierra
Noah Sim
Amelia Singh
Maria Sommers
Stephanie Sonea
Dongwook Song
Janine Srocka
Anmol Swaich
Alireza Tabatabaeian
Nicholas Tan
Andra Tarta
Alison Tedford
Samantha Teichman
Karlie Tessmer
Cathy Tran
Harsh Trivedi
Alexis Chivir-ter Tsegba
Naz Vardar
Shafira Vidyamaharani
Jaimie Waltz
Annie Cullis Watson
Yuan Wei
Benjamin Weiner
Judy Wu
Tintin Yang
Ming Yin
Sherry Young
Yameena Zaidi
Sahar Zaman
Liana Zaroubi
Jinglun Zhu
Isla Ziyat
Freya Zinovieff
Ahmed Abu Zuraiq

Nimra A.
Yarah A.
Ahmed Abdalla
Muhanad Abdulrahman
Shahd Abed
Rina Abumuaileq
Wajd Abumuaileq
Jana Abusharar
Tally Anzer
Zeynab Ata Adel
Jackson Adrian
Nadia Ahmed
Sophia Ahmed
Ahmed Akl
Ghadeer Al-Shaer
Finfine Ali
Navid Aliakbar
Lark Anderson
Ariana Andom
Kaja Antic
Kemi Arojojoye
Amado Dakila Alcuitas Arradaza
Christine Aumueller
Toby Austen
Anne Avery
Ali Azizi   
Amari B.
Dina B
Georgia B
Mila Babic
Noor Bajwa
Rebecca Ballard
Samira Banihashemi   
Jaelyn Banns
Eshana Baran
Hamoudi Saleh Baratta
Lilly Battiste-Todds
Ayesha Beg
Nat Begg
Hannah Beram
Emma Best
Hannah Big Canoe
Jack Blanco
Simrit Boparai
Nour Bouanani
Graysen Braun
Melanie Budisusilo
Yse Buffard
Harkirat Bumrah
Sheena C
Yoona C.
Denise Faith Cachero
Ana Caicedo
Courtney Cameron
Sarah Carter

Stella Carter
Barbara Cassie

Noam Cech
Octavio Cerna
Petra Chase

Sofia Chassomeris
Rea Chatterjee
Nicholas Chayeski
Jessica Chen
Kitty Cheung
Sunghyun Choi
Clive Chou
Emma Chow
Anu Choytun
Regina Valverde Crisologo
Leonardo Curiel
Sam D
Ahaan Dada
Simran Dail
Val Dalley
Meghan Danyluk
Lano Darwish
Desmond Davidge
Shannon Davies
Chanelle Davy
Mars de Menezes
Shaliya Dean
Harjoban Dhillon
Sharan Dhindsa
Gronit Dhir
Sofia Sevillano Diaz
Mark Dizon
Erica Dong
Samantha Doucette
Cassie Drieschner
Ende Duerr
Knave Duncan
Dinh Nam Duong
Poth Dut
Brianna Dyer
Jaden Dyer
Mariana Echeverría
Aya Echikr
Yassmeen El-Hariri
Hannah El-Hilo
Lara El-Khatib
Jianna Escudero
Bianca Esquivel
Elin Estifan
Leanne Fahie
Tena Faizi
Kami Fasan
Olivia Favreau 
Lynn Fedellaga
Ehren Felser
Sarah Firoz
Kira Foley
Milan Franco
Hannah Fraser   
Aaron Fung
Elyse G.
Mary G.
Noelle G.
Jodhan Gill

Zahraa Al Ghanem
Noor A. Ghazal
Sana Goel
Tallal Gohar
Che Goondiwala

Nolan Gorseth
Aiden Green
Theresa Green
Amanda Gresko
Jasmine Grewal
Tania Grigoriadis
Sebastian Guias
Sara Gutierrez
Allison H
SK Naveed Haider
Lauren Han

Haris Haq
Amaan Harris
Ayah Has

Anas Hasan
Amina Hassan
Kirstin Heath
Valentijn Helmus
Catherine Henson
Lily Herbst
Han Herre   
Hala Hijazi

Angela Ho

Aspen Ho
Kil Daagwiiya Hooper
Amanda Howard
Max Howell
P. Sage Hughes
Mackenzie Hurd
Brihanne Hutchings
Gaston I.
Ismaela Ibrahim
Yusuf Ibrahim
Seniha Inceoz
Samia Ishimwe
Natasha Ivkov
Ez J.
René Jack
Sophia Jando
Jessica Jandu
Leah Jessup
Andrew Ji   
Sherry Jiang
Cloris Jing
Noah Jozic
Navreen Judge
Aimen K.
Heidi K.   
Natalie K.
Nava Karimi   
Navroop Kaur
William Kendall
Anum Khalid
Ananda Khastgir
Deema Khawaja
Radin Khodadadi
Danica Kim

Emelie Kim
Lisa Kim
Ana Kolesnikovas
Genevieve Kugelstadt
Matilda Kumih
Molly Kurtenbach
Daniel Kuziw
Rachel L.
Vivian L.   
Yvette LaGrange
Livia Lam
Lucas Lang
Sophie Larson
Janice Lau
Camila Ledesma
arin lee
Gracie Lee
Morgan Legal
Kaitlyn Li
Youhyun Lim
Megan Lin
Kevin Ling
Ethylyne Lorete
Meghan Lorette
Erin Lum                                                                                 
Cathy Luo
Katie Ly

Hannah M.
Hasan M.
Hidayah M.
Max M.
Zoya M.

Emily Ma
Essense Macatangay
Molly MacKay
Zaynab Madi    
Taaibah Malik
Basma Mangat
Sonia Mann
Mariam H.
Joie Marin
Lynn Masri
Quinn Masselink
Kevin Matheson

Parker Mazal
Chiara McDonald
Taegan McFarlane
Tatu Meagher
Cheska Mercurio

Marita Michaelis
Montana Miller
Harjot Minhas 

Ahmad Mogral
Parsa Mohammady
Sierra Monforton     
Elle Moore
Sabrina Mui                  
Fady Nasr

Assia Nathu
Amanda H Ngo
Trixie Nguyen
Mishaal Nugroho
Lanie O.
John Obizzy
Cierra O’Connor
Stevan Oostenbrug
Jessica P.
Mehtab P.
Jessica Pai
Calla Paleczny
Suma Pallapothu
Abigail Pena
cherysh perry  
Noah Piccolo
Olga Pinho
Evan Pomeroy
Jadzia Porter
Puttaraksa Potirucht
Ash Powers
Tejal Prasad

Matthew Prenter
Arlo Pritchard
Emily Qin

Catherine Quinn
Isa Quinn
Nabaa Radhi
Masih Mohammad Rafi
Raima Rahman
Parnian Rahmanfard
Suraya Rahmani
Renil Ramsewak
Dania Rashid
zeina rashmawi
Sarah Raufi
Eesha Rehman
Rianna Richards
Leo Roizman
Brendan Routh
Nalyssa Runge
Kirabo Rwalinda
Gabby S.
Maya S.
Artin Safaei
Tejas Saini
Leen Saleh
Marwan Saleh
Irene Elizabeth Sam
Simran Sarai

Safiyah Sayani
Larkin Schering
Brianna Schiavone
Anna Schillaci-Ventura
Teona Seabrook
Kimia Kiani Sefiddashti
Sneha Shah
Panteha Shahrivar
Emma Shaw
Katheryn Sheldon
Nebula Shen
Pravleen Shoker
Sehtaj Sidhu
Tahira Simmons
Adam Smith
Iver Smith
Quinn Smith
Mona Somerville
Allyson Soriano
Kaelan Stout
Bennet Stroich
Freshta Sufizadah
Ivar Swanson
Amiera Syahdella
Molly Symington
Megan T
Phebe T-Giorgis
Shayan Tahmorsi

Caitlin Terrell
Vaani Thind
Grayson Threlfall
Emilia Thrift
Lauren Toporowski
Anh Truong
Dylan Tse
Jessica Tsigaros
Sumaiya Tufail
Kathryn Turner
Wajahat Ullah
Natalie Van Grol
Rachelle Veloso
Nickole Villamin
Thu Vo
Aisha W.
Hannah W
Brent Waldbillig
Ambreen Walji
Megan Ward
Caitlyn Waterhouse
Ellen Watters
Joanna Whitter
Sybil Willoughby
Mekeil Wilson
Adam Wisely
Melissa Wong   
Sara Wong
Ava Wood
Heather Wootton
Callahan Woytiuk
Finlay Wright
Charlotte Y
Jeen Young Yi
Emma Yip
Carmel Yu
Vanessa Yuen

Sausan Z
Zarena Zaidi
Way Zhang
Maria Zia


Karissa Abad, 2020
Linah Salah Abdulkader, 2021
Jazmyne Abraham, 2022
Susan Aini, 2020
Shoak Alhussami, 2020
Stephanie Allen, 2019
Amena, 2024
Naomi Armstrong, 2013
Ashleen, 2024
Abdulaa Babili, 2017
Sukhleen Bains, 2021
Mikaela Kathryn Bamba, 2023
David Taub Bancroft, 2005
Dalia Basim, 2023
Kirandeep Kaur Bath, 2019
Reagan Belan, 2017
Darya Berezhnova, 2022
Harvin Bhathal, 2022
Matthew Boyd, 2022
Rachel Braeuer, 2013
Madeline Brewster, 2017   
Cynthia Broderick, 2023
Jennifer Brooks, 2013
Elaina Buenaventura, 2023
Gulsan Burakaz, 2007
Elena Burnham, 2023
Torien Cafferata, 2024
Jade Cameron, 2022
Amanda Card, 2012
Carolina, 2023
Swin Yn Chai, 2010
Madeleine Chan, 2021
Esther Cho, 2023
Esmond Chong, 2020
Christine, 2003
Sena Cleave, 2023
Kenna Clifford, 2023
Kittie Cooper, 2023
Giann Corpuz, 2020   
Manilyn Corpuz, 2011  
Autumn Dao, 2024
Wyn Daquigan, 2021
Joanna Dauz, 2023
Claire Davies, 2022
Lillian Deeb, 2019   
Tea Dervari, 2023
Marena Dewar, 2024   
Priya Dhaliwal, 2023

Ashley Dixon, 2024
Donya, 2023
Catherine Dubé, 2022
Olivia Dupasquier, 2023
Anya e, 2021    
Leigh Eldridge, 2013
Qairyn Fadzil, 2023                          
Muhannad Fahmy, 2023
Rachelle Ferrer, 2008
Sonia Garcha, 2010
Jolie Gareis, 2018
Lara Gastaldello, 2023   
Michelle Gaudet, 2016
Reza Davallow Ghajar, 2017
Matthew Gray, 2021   
Jasleen Grewal, 2015
Aliya Griffin, 2018
Mario Guisado, 1998
Steven (Squire) Hall, 2020
Maia Harman, 2023
Leena Hasan, 2016   
Jennifer Hasenknopf, 2004
Rakin Hassan, 2023
Nielaab Hedayat, 2024
Jamie Hill, 2019   
Jade Ho, 2023
Nikole Sae Ho, 2022
Siran Huang, 2016
Yvonne Huang, 2022
Bazam Hundal, 2023
Yuki Ishii, 2016
Marybelle Issa, 2023
Sayyidah J, 2024

Reed Jackson, 2017
Ahmad Jaffer, 2022
Mahmood Jaffer, 1989
Sukaina Jaffer, 1992
Jannelle, 2010
Shahzeen Jessani, 2023
Charisma Jurica, 2009
Sevil Baghban Karimi, 2019   
Merielle Kazakoff, 2018                                           
Mandip Kharod, 2002
Melanie Kissick, 2023
Ava Kottmeier, 2021
Helena Krobath, 2015
Elen Kugelstadt, 2023
Matea Kulic, 2022
Stella Kwan, 2022
Nikita Lafreniere, 2014    

Zonica Lalani, 2002
Laura Lamb, 1985
Albert Lee, 2015
Gem Yelin Lee, 2022   
Conan Leong, 2017
Vincci Li, 2015
Amnit Litt, 2014   
Jasraj Litt, 2020
Manraj Litt, 2015
Becky Low, 2021
Sydney Lynn, 2020
Graham Lyons, 2015
Lindsay Macklin, 2022
Jillian Maguire, 1996   
Shiva Manavipour, 2016
Jeanie Mao, 2022       
Marah, 2019
Mariam, 2022
Haylee Marx, 2020                                               
Mikka Marin, 2022
Basil Mattar, 2022

Charlene Mayes
Morteza Mazawi, 2019
Kathleen McElwain, 2010
Vanessa Medland, 2010
Tamara Mickel, 1995
Lea Sanchez Milde, 2018
Sofie Milito, 2023
Husam Mohammad, 2022
Moninder, 2013
Andrea Montes, 2023
Simbarashe Mtetwa, 2020 
Riley Mullen, 2023
Diana Munir, 2024
Sujit Narayanan, 2023
Kirsten N, 2012
Sophia Nguyen, 2022
Tony Nguyen, 2016
Emily Norman, 2024
Jonathan Northam, 2023
Kadijah Noureddine, 2022
Pedram Noury, 2014   
Natalia O, 2023
Cori Baldwin Paquette, 2019
Pat, 2023
Robyn Pekar, 2011
Priscila Penner, 2021
Chelsey Perry, 2023
Ljudmila Petrovic, 2014 & 2021
Elisa Pharao, 2019 & 2022
Maria Preoteasa, 2024
Tahin Rabbani, 2023

Sulan Ramdeen, 2024
Leah Reimer, 2023
Jessica Rinfret, 2016
Daniela Guerrero Rodriguez, 2018                                                       
Chloe Roger, 2024
Dulce Rosales, 2017
Jacquelyn Zong-Li Ross, 2012
Jessie Russell, 2018
Britt S, 2022
Sina Salari, 2019                                                       
Sherif Salem, 2023
Jacqueline Salomé, 2014
Amy Sanderson, 2020
Ruby Sarkar, 2021
Jana Sarris, 2020
Simran Sarwara, 2023
Sylvana Sbeinati, 2018
Julia Scharnberg, 2019
Gunreet Sethi, 2018
Jeff Shantz
Zena Sharman, 2003
Kandice Sharren, 2018
Joel Short, 2015
Yasmin Vejs Simsek, 2023
Lovepreet Smagh, 2024   
Chantel Smeysters, 2011
Sonia, 2012
Adham Sorour, 2023
Chantelle Spicer, 2021
Kent Sproul, 1973 & 1978
Catriona Strang, 2017
Sarah-May Strange, 2021     
Tamaki Suzuki, 2007
Mashal Syed, 2022                         
Rachel Taylor, 2019
Kaitlyn Tecklenborg, 2021
Alexis Tennent, 2010
Zaena Tesfa, 2023                                                       
Elizabeth The, 2013
Matia Theodosakis, 2023
Kelly Thoreson, 2014
John Tolentino, 2017
Esther Tung, 2014
Xenon Tyner, 2023                   
umer, 2023
Yasmeen Vaquerano, 2021   
Omar Vazquez, 2023
Katharina Voss, 2016
Leslie W., 2020
Emma Warner-Chee, 2020
Conor Wilkie, 2023
Zachary Williams, 2014
Sue Wilson, 1991
Rita Wong, 2002
Justin Yang, 2022
Dennis Yeung, 1997
Tahiyat Zaman, 2018
Kiana Zemenchik, 2023    

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