Basis of Unity
Who We Are
F4P-SFU is a network of faculty who support the cause of Palestinian liberation. We define faculty broadly to include both tenure and non-tenure track faculty and staff.
Our Values
F4P-SFU understands the struggle for Palestinian freedom to be aligned with struggles for justice, equality, and decolonization in many parts of the world. These include movements for Indigenous land rights, Black liberation, gender and sexual freedom, and struggles for a sustainable planet.
F4P-SFU affirms that human rights are universal and indivisible and should be upheld without exception.
F4P-SFU abhors and unequivocally rejects all forms of antisemitism. Our commitments as educators compel us to confront antisemitism wherever it appears.
F4P-SFU rejects the conflation of support for Palestinian liberation with antisemitism.
Our Support for Palestine
F4P-SFU endorses the non-violent call for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) to compel Israel to comply with international law and end its occupation of Palestine. We pledge to support BDS initiatives that seek to advance the fundamental rights of Palestinians to equality and self-determination.
F4P-SFU affirms the Palestinian right to education and supports building ties with Palestinian academic institutions, colleagues, students, and staff.
On Our Campus
F4P-SFU supports and amplifies the work of Students for Justice in Palestine and other groups working to advance the rights of the Palestinian people. We organize in solidarity with other social justice groups at SFU, across Canada, and around the world.
F4P-SFU rejects all forms of surveillance, targeting, and criminalization of expressions of support for Palestinian rights and liberation at SFU. We recognize that this targeting, as well as heightened security measures on campus, have disproportionately threatened the Palestinian, Muslim, Arab, Jewish, Indigenous, and Black community members among us who stand in solidarity with Palestinian freedom. The more secure among us will strive to protect the more vulnerable.
Please direct any questions to:
Sessional instructors and staff are welcome to endorse
New endorsements added weekly
Endorsements (arranged alphabetically):
Amal Abdullah, Project Coordinator, SFU Centre for Dialogue
Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda, Associate Professor, School of Interactive Arts and Technology
Claire Adams, Senior Analyst, SFU Centre for Dialogue
Daniel Ahadi, Senior Lecturer, School of Communication
Joud Albeitshawish, Research Technician, Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Hari Alluri, Instructor, Department of English
Juan Pablo Alperin, Associate Professor, Publishing Program
Holly Andersen, Professor, Department of Philosophy
Benjamin Anderson, Lecturer, School of Communication
Heidi Antolick, Coordinator, Research Grants & Projects, Department of Gerontology
Ronda Arab, Associate Profesor, Department of English
Paola Ardiles, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Health Sciences
Yildiz Atasoy, Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Clifford Atleo, Assistant Professor, School of Resource and Environmental Management
Nadine Attewell, Associate Professor, GSWS and Global Asia Program
Ouldooz Baghban Karimi, Lecturer, School of Computing Science
Laya Behbahani, Sessional Instructor, Labour Studies Program
Darya Berezhnova, Coordinator, Research & Reporting, External Relations
Ali Bhagat, Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy
Davina Bhandar, Adjunct Professor, School of Communication
Sabine Bitter, Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Bee Brigidi, Educational Developer, Centre for Educational Excellence
Jonathan Boron, Instructor, Resource and Environmental Management
Sumercan Bozkurt Gungen, Lecturer, School for International Studies
Kylie Broderick, Coordinator, Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies
Enda Brophy, Associate Professor, School of Communication
Sara Bucci, Academic Advisor, School of Environmental Science
Clint Burnham, Professor, Department of English
Amanda Butler, Assistant Professor, School of Criminology
Darren Byler, Assistant Professor, School for International Studies
Christine Callihoo, Adjunct Professor, School of Resource and Environmental Management
John Calvert, Associate Professor (Retired), Faculty of Health Sciences
Veronik Campbell, Co-Director, Radius SFU
Mary Chen, Communications and Marketing Officer, VPRI
El Chenier, Professor, Department of History
Joseph Clark, Term Assistant Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Yolanda Clatworthy, Associate Director, Centre for Dialogue
Rosemary Collard, Associate Professor, Department of Geography
Stephen Collis, Professor, Department of English
Elizabeth Cooper, Associate Professor, School for International Studies
Jérémie Cornut, Professor, Department of Political Science
Karrmen Crey, Associate Professor, School of Communication
Paul Crowe, Associate Professor, Department of Global Humanities
Megan Crouch, Librarian, SFU Library
Dara Culhane, Professor (Retired), Sociology & Anthropology
Catherine D'Andrea, Professor, Department of Archaeology
Josip Dasovic, Instructor, School for International Studies
Sheila Delany, Professor Emerita, Department of English
Deborah Dergousoff, Sessional Instructor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Rajdeep Dhadwal, Graduate Program and Director's Assistant, School of Environmental Science
Pooja Dharamshi, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education
Stephanie Dick, Assistant Professor, School of Communication
Peter Dickinson, Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Milena Droumeva, Associate Professor, School of Communication
Zoe Druick, Professor, School of Communication
Ashley Edwards, Librarian, SFU Library
Eiman Elnoshokaty, Librarian, SFU Library
Sheri Fabian, University Lecturer, School of Criminology
Reema Faris, Limited Term Lecturer, Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies (GSWS)
May Farrales, Assistant Professor, Geography and Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies (GSWS)
Baran Fakhri, Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Nancy Forde, Professor, Department of Physics
Lindsey Freeman, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Carman Fung, Lecturer, Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies
Samir Gandesha, Professor, Department of Global Humanities
Sarah Christina Ganzon, Assistant Professor, School of Communication
Mariam Georgis, Assistant Professor, GSWS
Lisa Gelley, Limited Term Lecturer, School for the Contemporary Arts
Sama Ghnaim, Curriculum Developer, Lifelong Learning
Ed Graham, Limited Term Lecturer, Department of English
Bascom Guffin, Sessional Instructor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Evelyn Encalada Grez, Assistant Professor, Departments of Sociology/Anthropology and Labour Studies
Giuliano Gullotti, Instructor, Department of French
Xyleen Haban, Program Assistant, Lifelong Learning
Humaira Hamid, Program Manager, Radius SFU
Sasha Han, Librarian, SFU Library
John Harriss, Professor Emeritus, School for International Studies
John-Henry Harter, Lecturer, Departments of History and Labour Studies
Michael Hathaway, Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Byron Hauck, Term Lecturer, School of Communication
Tessa Haywood, Undergraduate Advisor and Communications Coordinator, Department of Geography
Sabrina Higgins, Assistant Professor, Department of Global Humanities
Leah Hopton, Librarian, SFU Library
Maureen Hoskyn, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education
Christopher Hynes, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Engineering Science
Adel Iskandar, Associate Professor, School of Communication
Daniel Iwama, Term Lecturer, Department of Indigenous Studies
Fatima Jalali, Sessional Instructor, Faculty of Education
Leanna Jantzi, Librarian, SFU Library
Mohsen Javdani, Associate Professor of Economics, School of Public Policy
Janice Hyeju Jeong, Assistant Professor, Department of History
Genevieve Fuji Johnson, Professor, Department of Political Science
Leanne Johnson, Senior Lecturer, Publishing Program
Sharalyn Jordan, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education
Jeannie Kerr, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education
Maureen Kihika, Assistant Professor, Sociology/Anthropology and Labor Studies
Dany Lacombe, Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Julia Lane, Writing Services Coordinator, Student Learning Commons (Library)
Claudette Lauzon, Associate Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Genevieve LeBaron, Professor, School of Public Policy
Mark Lechner, University Lecturer, Faculty of Health Sciences
Mark Leier, Professor, Department of History
Joanne Leow, Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair, English
Carolyn Lesjak, Professor, Department of English
Yiwen Liu, Sessional Instructor, Global Asia Program
James Long, Assistant Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Sharon Luk, Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair, Department of Geography
Megan MacKenzie, Professor, School for International Studies
Ebony Magnus, Librarian, SFU Library
Stefan Maier, Assistant Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Anushay Malik, Term Lecturer, Global Asia and International Studies
Nada El Masry, Refugee Livelihood Lab Manager, Radius SFU
Sophie McCall, Professor, Department of English
Geoff Mann, SFU Distinguished Professor, Department of Geography
Laura Marks, Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Miwa Matreyek, Assistant Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Kirsten McAllister, Professor, School of Communication
Eugene McCann, Professor, Department of Geography
Elise McClay, Research Technician, Linguistics
Hannah McGregor, Associate Professor, Publishing Program
Cait McKinney, Assistant Professor, School of Communication
Arlene McLaren, Professor Emerita, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Grazia Merler, Professor Emerita. Department of French
Kathleen Millar, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Elliot Montpellier, Limited Term Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Cristina Moretti, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Tamir Moustafa, Professor, School for International Studies
Keshav Mukunda, Research Data Librarian, SFU Library
Tiffany Muller Myrdahl, Senior Lecturer, Departments of GSWS and Urban Studies
Nawal Musleh-Motut, Postdoctoral Fellow, TILT; Lecturer, School of Communication
Rachel Nelson, Associate Director, Partnerships and Programs, Community Engagement
Urooj Nizami, Community Engagement & Outreach Librarian, Public Knowledge Project VPRI
İsmail Noyan, Instructor, Department of History
Zoreen Nuraney, Student Transition Educator, International Services for Students
Denise Oleksijczuk, Associate Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Gerardo Otero, Professor, School for International Studies
Mauve Pagé, Senior Lecturer, Publishing Program
Roxanne Panchasi, Associate Professor, Department of History
Irene Pang, Assistant Professor, School for International Studies
Tara Parsons, Staff, Department of English
Lyana Patrick, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences
Christopher Pavsek, Associate Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Kam Phung, Assistant Professor, Beedie School of Business
Stacy Pigg, Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Gaelle Planchenault, Associate Professor, Department of French
Hazel Plante, Liaison Librarian, SFU Library
Cristen Polley, Librarian, SFU Library
Caprice Pybus, Librarian, SFU Library
Lynne Quarmby, Professor, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Judy Radul, Professor, School for Contemporary Arts
Magie Ramírez, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography
Simone Rapisarda, Associate Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Ahmed Al-Rawi, Associate Professor, School of Communication
Nicholas Reo, Associate Professor, Department of Indigenous Studies
Chloe Riley, Librarian, SFU Library
Sylvia Roberts, Librarian, SFU Library
Leanne Roderick, Lecturer, Department of Geography
Noé Rodríguez, Assistant Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Bob Russell, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics
Sonya Sabet-Rasekh, Visiting Faculty, Labour Studies Program
Amyn Sajoo, Scholar-in-Residence & Lecturer, School for International Studies
Travis Salway, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences
Michael T. Schmitt, Professor, Department of Psychology
Paul Sedra, Associate Professor, Department of History
Özlem Sensoy, Professor, Faculty of Education
Nazanin Shahrokni, Associate Professor, School for International Studies
Hanieh Shakeri, Sessional Instructor, School of Interactive Arts and Technology
Olive Shakur, Library Assistant, Library
Nadia Shihab, Assistant Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Suze Shore, Administrative Assistant, School for the Contemporary Arts
Rupak Shrestha, Assistant Professor, International Studies and Global Asia Program
Kathy Slade, Assistant Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Julia Smith, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences
Suzanne Smythe, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education
Spyros Sofos, Assistant Professor, Department of Global Humanities
Tammara Soma, Assistant Professor, Resource and Environmental Management
Megan Sorenson, Librarian, SFU Library
Robert Springborg, Adjunct Professor, School for International Studies
Athavarn Srikantharajah, Special Projects Manager, Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue
Kendra Strauss, Professor and Director, Labour Studies Program
Jason K. Stearns, Assistant Professor, School for International Studies
Scott Steedman, Senior Lecturer, Publishing Program
Malcolm Steinberg, Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences
Pamela Stern, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Alia Sunderji, RADIUS, SFU Beedie
Andréa Tarnawsky, Archivist, SFU Library
Gary Teeple, Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Daisy Thompson, Instructor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Zoe Todd, Associate Professor, Department of Indigenous Studies
Alberto Toscano, Term Research Associate Professor, School of Communication
Travers, Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Emma Uhl, Publication Support Specialist, Public Knowledge Project
Cathy Walker, Adjunct Professor, Labour Studies Program
Sarah Walshaw, University Lecturer, Department of History
Amanda Watson, Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Katherine Watson. Term Lecturer Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Leah Wiener, Associate Director, Curriculum Development, Lifelong Learning
Kyle Willmott, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Sue Wilson, SFU library (retired)
Aaron Windel, Associate Professor, Department of History
Natahnee Winder, Assistant Professor, Indigenous Studies and School of Public Policy
A.J. Withers, Ruth Wynn Woodward Jr. Chair, Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
Azadeh Yamini-Hamedani, Associate Professor, World Languages and Literatures
Ellen Yap, Manager, School for International Studies
Siyuan Yin, Assistant Professor, School of Communication
Jin-me Yoon, Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts
Yara Younis, Project Manager, Radius SFU
Baharak Yousefi, Librarian, SFU Library
Omar Zabaneh, Systems Consultant I, Faculty of Science
Wafaa Zaqout, Student Support Coordinator, International Services for Students
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